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The Naval Commanders invades the Wheels!

Greetings, everyone!

It is my turn this week to do the update for the Wheels! And I have two item sets for you to obtain there: the original versions of Paladin Naval Commander & Obsidian Paladin Naval Commander. Log in now, check out the Wheels, and get your chance to win one of the items of each set - if you're lucky, you may also win one of the two new pets that were just added in, as well!

Hopefully you enjoy this second (and a bit late) TLAPD Surprise!

TLAPD Raid Event - Fight of the Pirates!

Greetings everyone,

This week's release is now LIVE! Sorry for the wait, guys. I had to take care of stuff this past week, but I still managed to do this release for Friday like I planned to. Let's get into the detail of this week's release!

You can now /join RaidWeek map to attend the Pirate themed Raid Event, and to fight against Undead Pirate Captain. You have 50% chance to receive a Pirate Coin as a reward from it. Gather enough of those coins, and use them to merge for your Talk Like a Pirate Day - themed items and class. And yes, a class is also included! This year, fight to become a Legacy Naval Commander which is a stronger and faster version of Legion Commander class. To get the class, you will need 100 Pirate Coins, and Rank 10 Legion Commander - class. For the Naval Commander armor sets and pets, you will only require 10 Pirate Coins per item without a single reputation requirement. The items in the shop are all 0 RC - tagged ones, so you can either keep them, sell them to your friends, or keep them in your bank for free.


Next week, Decroya Map will be updated once again. Master Aced will get more reputation quests available. Make sure to give your feedback about which of the reputations you would like to see getting a new quest! NOTE: I will NOT add quests for reputations, which are used for items that are permanently rare.

This Week - Talk Like a Pirate Day Raid Event

Greetings everyone,

I wanted to write to you guys about what will be coming in this week's main release itself. So here we go, let's jump right in to the detail about what's coming this week!

There will be a new Raid Event coming shortly after the current one ends this Friday, this time it will be a Pirate-themed once. You're going to farm for TLAPD Raid Coins which you'll be able to use to merge the all-new Naval Commander armor sets ( Over 130 items overall coming, that's a lot for ONE week! ) - but note... this coming raid event will be up only until October 19th, like the annual Talk Like a Pirate Day - events of mine usually are.

There's no specific date yet when the raid event goes live; it depends on our team's artists when they will be able to finish the custom raid boss map that I have requested to be made for the coming raid event.

All of the coming Naval Commander - sets will be non-reputation, 0 RC tagged for free storage in your bank (if you plan to keep them, that is) and they'll be available each September during the Talk Like a Pirate Day - events, like the content at /join PirateHub map are.

Oh and next week, be prepared for another possible Decroya town update - Master Aced will be getting more reputation quests. Comment down in the comments section below to give your opinions on what reputations you'd like to see Master Aced give a chance to farm for! (Note: Only the reputations that aren't rare can be considered of. Same goes for reputations that aren't used for any rare items such as Caitiff, Darkest Insanity, etc. factions. You can suggest reputations you feel as too hard, or ones that you want to see different farming methods for, as long as they fills the mentioned "rules" I wrote to this post.)

Hopefully you are excited for this week's event! And stay tuned for DaDa's LQS update, as well!

New LQS items Tomorrow

The Limited Quantity Shop will be updated tomorrow, which is the 19th of September. 
I'll be releasing the items at 1:00:00 AM server time.

Each item will have a stock of 35, I will then restock it with another stock of 35 after releasing by 12 hours.

Here are the item sets
Lava Kaiju Pirate Captain Set
Legendary Paladin Naval Commander Set
Unholy Paladin Naval Commander Set
Kaiju Pirate Captain Set
Oathbreaker Pirate Set

TLaPD Seasonals returns + Adam the Dragon Raid Week Event!

Greetings everyone,

This week's release is LIVE!

In this week's release, you can access the earlier TLaPD Seasonal Releases + Items, as well as all-new event; Adam the Dragon - Raid Week Fight!

For the TLaPD, /join PirateHub or click the button in your game menu.
For the raid week, /join RaidWeek or click the button in your game menu.

Decroya Update - One-Winged Legend & Bloodborne Plague Knight!

Greetings, everyone!

This week's release is another update to the /join Decroya - map. There's a couple of new things for you, so watch out!

  • New NPC: Master Aced, the Foreteller of Chemistry (NPC that gives you quests for different reputations. 3 quests tonight only available.)
  • New Class: One-Winged Legend! (Quests available for the class from Vanitas NPC at that map. You need VIP, One-Winged Angel and 100 One-Winged Raid Coins to start!)
  • New Class: Bloodborne Plague Knight! (Offensive version of Plague Knight, available at Decroya Reputation/Merge Shop from Vanitas or Caitiff at that map.)

Also tomorrow, another weekend raid boss occurs! Stay tuned for more information about that one!

Weekend Raid - The Insane Challenge!?

Greetings, everyone!

/join WeekendRaid map is open once more, but this time around... it's only for Level 150! This is because you're facing against one of the most insane non-Immune bosses of all time; which'll also be forever gone after this weekend ends.

Go to the WeekendRaid map and take on the SECOND Shapeshifter, Xehanort! He will be able to drop One-Winged Angel Class ( 1% Drop Rate ) and One-Winged Raid Coins ( 50% Drop Rate ) for this weekend only, for the last time ever.

Be sure to get the class and 100 coins, because... One-Winged Legend is coming VERY SOON!

Decroya Finale - Vanitas BossFight!

Congratulations! You've won the Dark Plague War. The war has ended and you have stopped the Dark Plague for good, but now... Vanitas is awaiting for you at /join Vanitas map, for the final confrontation. If you've caught up to the story, go there, take the quest, and reap havoc on the rewards in store for you!

Decroya has fallen!

Good evening, guys.

While you have been fighting in the Dark Plague War, something bad happened at /join Decroya map.

The town fell to the grasp of Realm of Darkness; and there's no turning back now - that town is now in the holds of the dark realm itself. You can visit it to see what changed there, but even if you would not, here's a list of what happened!

  • Vanitas (NPC) is now voice-acted.
  • Caitiff (NPC) is now voice-acted.
  • The sky shows dark-blue color to show the effectiveness of Realm of Darkness there.
  • The map's soundtrack has been updated.

The Dark Plague War

Good evening, mates!

The Dark Plague War is now live, and, well... things are heated up there! Fight your infected friends, and reach victory, before Vanitas takes over you and all the living beings of the world. But worst of all...


If the war isn't completed to 100% ( 2,000,000 Waves ) by August 28th, bad stuff happens. Story gets a dark twist; and war consequences will be happening as well.

But to motivate you guys to fight in the war, I have added A LOT of resources you can farm for to the normal waves, and all new items to the Mega Waves! The Mega Waves can also drop Plague Knight Class Tokens, which you will need to create the Plague Knight Class, if you have Rank 10 Decroya - reputation. Find the Class at Main Classes shop, from Game Menu > Shops > Trainee Shop.

Next week... prepare to witness the return of someone you've thought of being gone. And prepare to answer to the mysterious caller's letter - by taking down Caitiff. Once again! Also, the LQS Update ( The LQS Class restock ) will be happening soon. Stay tuned in-game and in Discord to get announced for it's restock. (The classes that will arrive will have stock of x500, and then they're gone forever.)