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New LQS items next Sunday

New LQS items next Sunday The Limited Quantity Shop will be updated next Sunday, which is the 15th of January. 
I'll be releasing the items at 4AM server time then I'll restock it once more 2PM server time.

Each item will have a stock of 25, I will then restock it with another stock of 25 at 2PM server time.

Here are the prices for each item
Armor = 1,000 Royal
Weapon = 750 Royal Coins
Helmets = 500 Royal Coins
Capes = 500 Royal Coins

(The times of the release and and restock is not guaranteed so be sure to check this news post regularly to see if there are any changes)

Frostvale Rebuilt!

Frostvale Rebuilt!

Hello, everyone!

It's time to celebrate Frostval! 

In today's release, you are going back to Frostvale Village, as the Frost Moglins have returned back to their own home. Not only that, but the Chrono Lords has finally decided to descent to our world; and their landing place seems to be the Frostvale Village itself! That's only good for us, isn't it?

You can talk to Chronix, the Chrono Lord at /join Frostvale to access this year's Frostval Rares - shop, which contains items (and the 2016 giftboxes) that will be the only rares this year's Frostval Event will have.

Also, if you investigate the village a bit better, you will find two secrets - one is harder to find, but another is more simple than that, and counts as my first Christmas Present to the players of the game. What they are, you have to find out for yourself!

Clue 1: Through the village, you find a path, one that has been lost for years.
Clue 2: A moglin is holding a pile of something, that gives you knowledge about someone's corruption.

Follow the given clues to find the secrets this year's map contains! Also, if you investigate the map a little bit better, you will be able to access the snow fields where you can have a snowball fight with the other players who are on that area! A lot of fun, isn't it?

NOTE: There will be no release next week, sadly. It's going to be the Christmas Week ahead of us, and I will be celebrating it, and on December 26th, I will be going on a holiday trip, which means that after that, I will be working on new releases for you guys again. Next week I'll be keeping though ( December 17th to December 26th ) as my holiday, so should you!

Merry Frostval to everyone!

Frostval 2016 - The Icy Volcano!

Frostval 2016 - The Icy Volcano!

Greetings, everyone!

It's time to return back to this year's annual Frostval story line. You have been called forth to the Icy Volcanoes where Kezeroth's new army is located at. The Glacial forces are making a swift move through the falling snow and the freezing ice, and their attack will surely be happening, sooner or later. You have to go and stop as much as you can and prepare for whatever Kezeroth, and his for now unknown ally are planning for your heads! If you have completed the Cyber Realm map, you can /join IceVolcano to access this release's quests.

The release comes with a stronger version of Shadow Walker Class; only accessible through the quests of this release. Also the boss monster of the map has some items for you as drops; including an all-new house, and a couple of returning house items as well.

Enjoy with the release!

Arrival of the Darkness

Arrival of the Darkness

Hello, everyone!

I've started planning out for the future stories that will start out after the New Years' celebrations is done for, and there are already a couple of things that I am able to already reveal to you guys.

First of the things is that the Valoth Saga is going to come to a conclusion; the finale of it will allow the heroes to rescue Lord Valoth from the grasp of Darkness that he fell into back in 2014 - and this one's going to happen once the Chrono Lords decides to descent to the world and to allow you guys one trip back in time to undo something that the Heroes could find as a benefit for them.

After all of this happens, it of course results in that the main villain itself is turned into one of the heroes; one of the good guys! And that would leave the game without a new main villain to replace the role of the former one; but never fear. I've already got plans for that one, as well.

A demon from the deepest abyss is going to arrive - one, that has seen the hell - even the purgatory. But not only that - the same demon has been to the heaven before, as well. This has resulted in the mastery of the both light and dark arts - ending up in a reincarnation of a monstrous being that is able to use the powers of good AND evil for it's plans... Also, he seems to have quite much of a good knowledge about what has the other villains this far done to the world. He seems to know every last one of them - and you do remember, that there has been many of them - all the way from Valoth to the beings like Valtrith, and even Caitiff. This new coming person seems to know them all, in a way or another. Less or more, it is unknown for now though, if the new arrival though has plans over them, yet. Only the time will tell, if the new villain will have anything planned for their heads - is it for joining forces with them, or to plan to take them all out to allow more areas for him to conquer.

Click this link if you wish to see what the villain would look like.

Anyways. What do you expect to come from a foe - one that will abuse the realms of good AND evil at the same time? Feel free to discuss about this! You should be able to see the villain soon enough... but not until Frostval is saved from Kezeroth, though. And not until the Necrotic God is down for good.

HeroesHaven Falls

HeroesHaven Falls

Hello, everyone!

Sorry for not having a release for last week. I've had some personal stuff to solve, but those are taken care of - and that's why I can focus on the weekly releases for you guys, once again. Anyway, let's get down to the business for this week's update!

HeroesHaven is falling; the World Destroyer a.k.a Desolich has attacked. Necrotic God of Doom now knows your real power - after what you did to Xemnas in the Cyber Realm earlier. Now, he sent his greatest minion to destroy a whole region of Light; but how will you response? By fighting the destroyer itself, of course!

/join ShadowRoof or hit the game menu, to access this boss fight. You can get easier quantities of Doom Tokens (used for the Evolved Doom Lord - class from Fire Dome) and Valtrith Tokens, along with World Destroyer Tokens, for the World Ender - and World Destoyer - stuff. Also, you have chance to win the Shadow Ranger - armor and class (new!) from the boss, as well.

Also next week... as long as the time allows, the Frostval 2016 Storyline continues! Kezeroth is finally ready; and he's starting to make the next step in his plans. You're arriving to the Frostvale area once again, to escape and wait for the Chrono Lords... but what awaits you to challenge your survival skills, before you can save everything and everyone?

Also - note that Frostval 2016 storyline will be the last story of this year. The rest of the story releases and possible mini-updates will be focusing on it now; are you ready for the actual winter season? ;)

Official Discord Server

Official Discord Server

This is to inform everyone that an official Discord server was created for Augoeides.

Please use the following invite link to join:

Thank you and feel free to suggest anything inside the Discord server.

Frostval 2016 - Lifeless Cyber Realm!

Frostval 2016 - Lifeless Cyber Realm!

Greetings, everyone!

It's time to start up our Black Friday and Cyber Monday (and not long after that) celebrations!

First off, I have made a new release for you guys, to continue the Frostval 2016 story line. In this release, you're going to the Cyber Realm, one which has completely been drained out of it's life essence by Xemnas, from Organization XIII! The only person who can aid you though with this will be Lord Valoth, the Necrotic God of Doom, a.k.a the former Dark Lord and leader of FireFall, but note... he won't be giving his aid to you easily! You have to convince him  first before he will give you some... useful information about what's going on.

Second off, I have made some Lifeless versions of already existing items for you guys - some of them are also suggested by YOU, my dear friends! The items are the following:

  • Dark Lord Valtrith Armor, Helm and Cape
  • Lifeless Caster Armor, Hair, Mask and Cape
  • Lifeless Light of Destiny + dual wield
  • Lifeless Dragon Blade + dual wield
  • Lifeless Chaorrupter + dual wield
  • Lifeless Kingdom Key + dual wield
  • Lifeless Burning Blade + dual wield
  • Lifeless Blade of Doom + dual wield

Note, that there is a high chance for a couple of more Lifeless - items to arrive soon. But note... to get them all (current ones and possible other coming ones) you will require Rank 10 Chrono - Reputation, that you can get from the final quest of this week's release!

Thirdly, the Game Menu also has been updated with a new shop from the other artists of the team. They also has something for you guys... and do expect that shop to get updated by them even more, as well! What could they have in store for you? O_O

Lastly... prepare. The rumors says of a Thanksgiving War starting next week. (Or at worst scenario, even earlier.) You totally haven't seen the last of Xemnas, no, not at all... ;)

Happy playing!

Pinkomantic Isles

Pinkomantic Isles

It's time for the last of the new farming maps - the Pinkomantic Isles!

You have been wandering (and farming) through the different levels of Mount Frosty ( /join MountFrosty all the way to /join MountFrostyG ) and now you find yourself at Pinkomantic Isles. ( /join pinkomanticisle )

Access the new map, farm for the greater amount of experience, and collect the Shards of Insanity. If you have Rank 10 Insanity - reputation, you can use enough of these shards to forge some Orbs of Insanity from Nulgath's Merge Shop at /join Initium, to get the Insane Lord - class and armor set. Note that the Insane Lord is same as Insane Overlord was, but with even more damage.

Also, the rumors says that next weekend, the Thanksgiving Event + Black Friday items would arrive. What might the Black Friday contain? Also, note that Cyber Monday is also coming soon, and even it comes up with some items.

Final Note - the /join pinkomanticisle map is Level 125+ exclusive only.

Frostval 2016 - SnowStorm Keep

Frostval 2016 - SnowStorm Keep

This might be very early one, but still.

The new release is live! It is time already now to begin the Frostval 2016 Storyline, which will begin from where we left off in 2015.

Adam Hallberg attacks once again; this time, he goes deeper into Frostvale - to the SnowStorm Keep. It appears, that he has stolen something from Kezeroth, the World Ender, already few years ago and now you just are about to find out the truth... but will you do so, before it's too late? Adam is once again using his Frozen Spirit Shard to resurrect his Frost Invader army. It is time to put an end to this, and to make sure Adam will not be revived again. You have to kill him, once and for all.

This release comes with some new items, as well as couple of returning items, also. You will be able to become what Adam Hallberg really looks like (Aww, yeah) as well! And with the arrival of Adam's armor set, I've decided that the Wings of Fallen Aranx are also coming back. The non-farmable (rare) version got the (Old) tag added next to it's name, while this new one got a 0 RC, Rank 10 SnowStorm Reputation - tag.

Also, the Glacial Commander - class has returned as permanently available class as well. So if you need to pick up a support class, this one's recommended for you. But if you're not interested... then you should start farming for the Dark Ice Commander - class, which is all new!

Levels 1 - 10 can farm for their EXP and Gold now at /join MountFrosty.
Levels 10 - 30 can farm for their EXP and Gold now at /join MountFrostyB.
Levels 30 - 45 can farm for their EXP and Gold now at /join MountFrostyC.
Levels 45 - 60 can farm for their EXP and Gold now at /join MountFrostyD.
Levels 30 can farm for some EXP and Gold, as well as 20 of old non-rare items from /join Hades
Levels 55 to 70 can farm for their EXP and Gold now at /join MountFrostyE.
Levels 70 to 80 can farm for their EXP and Gold now at /join MountFrostyF.
Levels 80 to 90 can farm for their EXP and Gold now at /join MountFrostyG.
Levels 70+ can farn for some EXP and Gold, as well as some resource materials from /join UltraHades

Also, Worshipper Class has been added to Nulgath's Merge Shop for beginners.

That's all for today. 

Necrotic Arrival

Necrotic Arrival

Good afternoon, everyone.

It's Thursday, but also a release day. This week's release is now live, and even better, it's one day earlier than originally planned. 

Today you get to fight Valoth's newest form as the Necrotic God of Doom - as a consequence of letting him to win the Darkest Doom - war. This fight is the longest one of all time in Augoeides you've ever seen, but no worries - as long as you can keep yourself alive, you will be good to go.

The boss has highest health and defense out of any boss in the game, but the weakness is that this boss lacks the skills of the immunity - so use your best buffs and debuffs, to finish this boss off. You also can have up to 15 players inside of the map, so you should totally be able to defeat this boss easily, even if it will take some time. (This one was done by purpose; to see how long it takes for you guys to defeat the boss.)

Also... the rumors speaks of Caitiff meeting with Donald Trump, soon. What could this mean?