Frostval is coming next month... and that also means a new story, as well. While you're right now fighting the threat of Necrotic God that might arise from the encounter of Sepulchure and Valoth, the people of Frostvale are preparing some... living tales for you to tell. This year everything should be going right & well, right? Surely no one would come and ruin the Frostval this year, right? We only can hope for the best. It all begins December 2nd, 2016!
This Frostval, I no more plan to return the Winteromancer and Santa Claus - classes (unless a popular demand for them comes, then most likely but as farm-able this time!), but that is just because I want to create all new Christmas classes for you guys - isn't that good thing, rather than to just use the old ones over and over again?
Anyway. We've come a long way for this - the year is done and over soon, and the new page is able to be opened. A lot of stuff will be happening in 2017, but we still have two months of this year to enjoy though, as well!
Just what might I have in store for you guys for this coming Christmas Event?
New VIP and Coins Package
8 years ago | Freyja
Now that the VIP contracts became tradable again, I've decided to tweak the packages a bit. Coins were removed from the VIP perks in exchange for tradable contracts.
And you can now purchase up to 200,000 Royal Coins from the upgrade page: Normal rate is $0.62 for every 1,000 coins. You get more discount as you buy more coins!
Let me know if there are other feedbacks to help us improve in the comments below. Price may change at any time depending on donators suggestions.
Thanks for your support!
The Conqueror - Fixes & Changes
8 years ago | Valoth
Good afternoon.
I'm writing this post right now, because I feel like I have to do so, because of something I've noticed that went horribly wrong with The Conqueror - class, which I only by now had noticed. Let me explain you what happened, and what I had to do and how I made it up to you guys, before you guys start the discussion and feedback.
I noticed The Conqueror's skills made the heals to kill and hurt the players which never was intended. I tried my best to find a solution to this but there was nothing to be found so, I had to do a couple of changes to the class itself.
+ The Damage of the Class got boosted up dramatically to match up with the intentions of the Conqueror's damage. - The effects of the Conqueror got decreased. The ultimately unfair set of effects made it to affect every player who were fighting monsters/bosses, which included The Conqueror with them to help them.
I do hope you guys understand this was the only choice. Please share your thoughts on the comments section so if there is something you're displeased with this still, I can take a look at it to make it up to you, if there still is something.
Darkest Anniversary Shop + Drops
8 years ago | Valoth
Good morning, everyone.
I have just opened up the Darkest Anniversary Shop to the game menu, containing some returning items that were promised to return at one point. Check it out!
You have your chances to get your hands on the Arcane Dark Lord gear, once again. also the Arcane Paragon Pet too, which you'll need during this November when it's new quests will be unlocking. Also, I have been granted the permission to return the DoomKnight Naval Commander, and it's cape as well to give you guys a full chance to look like what I looked like back in 2014.
Not only that but, if you have Rank 10 Legacy, and 10,000 Royal Coins, you are also able to buy the new, special class - the DoomKnight Warrior. It's got the same skills as the remade version of Dark Lord, but it has way more damage for this version instead of the original variant.
Hopefully you'll enjoy around! This shop is not going rare. Oh, and the Medieval Gems are found now in this shop as well, as the shop took it's slot. Don't worry, this shop won't leave so the Gems also stays around.
Happy playing!
/join confrontation and battle Vordred, for 1% chance to get two of the DoomFire swords. /join Grovemoor and battle Valoth, for 1% chance to get two of the DoomFire armors. /join ultradoom and battle Ultra Queen of Monsters, for 1% chance to get 5 of the DoomFire helms. /join megadoom after you're done with the rest, and fight for 1% chance to get rest of the 10 items in the DoomFire set.
Sepulchure vs. Valoth WAR!
8 years ago | Valoth
Good morning, everyone.
It's time to start up the Darkest Anniversary - event with the Necrotic God Saga. This one is going to be a twisted one though, because you'll find out a lot of things you never before would have imagined, once we get far enough with it.
This week's release in this Necrotic God Storyline is the Sepulchure vs. Valoth - War, the prologue of the soon-to-start story. You'll fight against Sepulchure's forces AND Valoth's forces, both at the same time - intending to destroy them all.
WAR GOALS - You need to defeat 1,000,000 waves with the players for both of the sides to win. - Unlock specials & more rewards between each 200,000 waves or so! - New classes will be coming as the war progresses. Same for the items! - First of the War Bosses unlocks at 75%. Second one at 100%. ( 75% = 750,000 Waves. )
NOTES - ArchFiend DoomKnight - Class goes rare next Friday and never returns. Reputation stays. - Pumpkin Commander and Pumpkin Knight goes rare next Friday, but returns next year. - The Conqueror goes rare January 1st, 2017. The class never returns, but the Reputation stays. - More items and classes for the new war will be released, as well as drops as well, but you have to fight valiantly for them to unlock them! - This war's war wave turn in's each contains a new faction. ( 4 buttons = 4 new factions. ) - This war's waves and mega waves can be used to grind for some experience. ( You wished, I listened! )
That is all for today, but more is to come... now that things really begins!
Nulgath Fans: Dimensional Champion Class
8 years ago | Valoth
Hello, everyone.
I've forgotten almost completely to post something about this, but I'll fix it now - yesterday evening, I've released a new class to Nulgath's Merge Shop, at Neutral's NPC in Faroff - the Dimensional Champion - class! If you're wondering how to get this Class, you will need the following:
Level 150
Rank 10 Ravenloss
13 x Diamond of Nulgath
50 x Dark Crystal Shard
20 x Gem of Nulgath
50 x Tainted Gem
1 x Voucher of Nulgath (non-vip)
3 x Totem of Nulgath
The class is made to be very useful one. The Class' auto attack will permanently disable the target's chance to dodge until the end of the combat (until he/she/it dies) but not only that, you have also an alternative choice of making up to 5 targets to receive the same effect. Though, only the main target will be able to permanently lose the dodge chance at time. Also, this Class is meant to be a multi-hit target, with a stun that opens the targets for 5 times more damage, and also it comes up with another skill that will nerf the stats of your target at the cost of increasing it's haste. The class does even have a multi-target healing skill, but it will not be giving you any buffs.
For short, this Class is very useful for debuffing, and excellent for PvP fights. It should have a good suitability in the 1 vs. 1 fights, due to it's high range, but I'd not be most likely saying the same in the Champion Arena fights. Though, you might have a chance to survive well in the Bludrut Brawl fights as well if you aid your team while using this Class.
Hopefully you enjoy the Class, note that it will not be going rare. Also, if you do wonder where to farm for more Ravenloss Reputation, there are quests you can do more than once, at /join Snowloss. But please keep it in mind though, that you have to be up-to-date with my stories before you get to that far with the farming. (So in order to actually max out Ravenloss, you need to have some stories completed first.)
This Week: Sepulchure vs. Valoth WAR!
8 years ago | Valoth
Howdy, guys!
It's Monday, but it still will be as good time as at anytime, to let you know about the big events that is going to happen this week, here in Augoeides. Read out the whole post, to find out as much as possible about the plans that I have set in store for the Heroes and the Villains alike...
Alright, so, this Friday, there will be another war going to happen once again. And I don't even need to mention this, but I still will do - the next Dark Lord of the series will arrive during the war as well - the legendary, dreaded and powerful Baneful Dark Lord itself! This will be the next Dark Lord in the series after Exalted Dark Lord (Blood Feud War) happened. But because this will be a two-way war, and Sepulchure will be the opposition team... there will be also Baneful Doom Knight - class coming, as well.
Now that we have that taken care of, let me mention something about the story-line so far that leads to this war.
Valoth and Sepulchure have been enemies since the dawn of time, ever since the first Loredon attacks happened. Sepulchure did something horrible to Valoth and the people that he loved so much about, that made him to turn in to the Darkness, and ever since those days, those two men have been eternal enemies for life. Not only that, but Sepulchure's increased amount of arrivals have made Valoth aware of this as well, and now it all leads to a dark and fiery war where your only goal is to make sure that both of the sides will be taken down - unless you want to see a horrible fate filled with fire and darkness.
Sepulchure has brought upon the Infernal Bugs of Wargoth, including the Doomed Insect-Beetles, Infernal Imps, and Infernal Goblins. To counter this, Lord Valoth's side will be bringing up the possessed RiftWalkers, Cryptics, and Ascendants against Sepulchure's forces... AND against you. Yes, both of the sides will be fighting each other, but they will totally make sure that you will also be having a hard time in the middle of their big, bad mess.
Also, someone who is claiming to be the owner of these Infernal forces, have been whispering to you Heroes, from the shadows. This war will be a pleasant one for this mysterious, unknown person who's identity is unknown at least for now. What if the whole conflict between Sepulchure and Valoth is caused by this specific fellow? What will you do when the war begins?
Stay tuned for more spoilers, etc. information regarding this week's release later this week!
Mogloween 2016 Finale - Castle Valtrith
8 years ago | Valoth
Good morning, everyone!
It's time to begin the day with this week's release, isn't it? Oh, it is? Good! Then you want to keep reading.
The final release for Mogloween Storyline has been released, /join Castle Valtrith to access it. (To access the quests in the map though, first complete /join HallowedWoods , after that, /join MusicalHub and then /join MogloTitan before this one.)
This is the biggest release ever of mine. It comes up also with 5 classes:
- Pumpkin Knight ( Rep, Shop at /join Castle Valtrith ) - Pumpkin Commander ( Rep, Shop at /join Castle Valtrith ) - Infernal Lord ( Boss Drop from /join Mogloween ) - Shadow Paladin ( Rep, Shop at /join Castle Valtrith ) - Caitiff ( Rep, Shop at /join Castle Valtrith )
The items for this week's release are from Valtrith's Shop at the new map, some of the items also drops from /join Mogloween. Note though, that the special boss at /join Mogloween must be soloed, and is for Level 125 only. Fight in the map itself to find out though, that why.
IMPORTANT REMINDER! Note that the Valtrith - boss at /join Castle Valtrith is NOT meant to be defeated. This is not a bug, or anything, the boss is meant to take no damage at all, and to kill you instantly on hit. You can defeat the other bosses except him in the map, though. This one is not a bug, or anything, it's intended addition for the end of this story.
Happy weekend, and have fun with the event!
Dragons Den
8 years ago | Alpha
Introducing Dragons Den, a new leveling map.
Help Guardian David slay the raiders that have invaded a cave home to dragons. This map is for players who are level 100 and higher, it offers a new set of quests along with a new set of armor.
/join dragonsden
500% Rates Boosts
8 years ago | Freyja
Hit like & share button on this post to spread the word about Augoeides! If the post gets 500 shares, we'll increase the rates by 500% for 3 days.
* These boosts stack together with other usable boosts items (gems, contracts, or cards).
Three (3) lucky players will also get the chance to redeem 7-days VIP premium contract. To participate: